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5 Main Benefits of Public Cloud

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benefits of public cloud
5 Main Benefits of Public Cloud
By admin November 25, 2022
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Benefits of Public Cloud 


The significance of cloud computing today is undeniable. Some businesses have been on the public cloud journey for years, and a few have just migrated to the cloud. In both cases, the public cloud is proving its worth as it is helping businesses succeed by adapting to new changes and letting go of the traditional ways of storing and operating data. With public cloud computing, companies can minimize their data centres’ sizes or completely eradicate them. It, in turn, leads to a lowered software, server, and overall IT cost, and companies also don’t need to hire as much staff to handle the organization’s data. 


The public cloud has helped a plethora of businesses to leverage its benefits. Business innovation, off-loading pressure from IT teams, and maintaining 99.9% uptime are a few examples. The benefits of public cloud computing are such that 90% of big businesses use multi-cloud infrastructure for the perks it brings to the table. Also, over 50% of the world’s corporate data is in the cloud.  


Although there are countless other ways the public cloud benefits businesses that opt for it, a few striking advantages of the public cloud make it a must for all small, medium, and growing companies. Without further ado, let’s discuss the top five benefits of moving to the public cloud: 


#1 Affordable Costing 


The public cloud’s cost is way more budget-friendly than opting for traditional ways and even the public cloud’s counterparts, such as private and hybrid cloud costing. Because of its flexible cost, it is probably the best bet for companies with lesser budgets, or the ones that want value for money. The prices of cloud computing are much more flexible than other traditional ways. Also, businesses have to pay only for the services (servers/ infrastructure capacity) they need or are using.  


#2 Data Security  


None of the traditional ways of data storage offered data security, and businesses were always on the edge of being hit by a security breach or a sophisticated cyberattack. However, with the public cloud, companies can create separate environments for their private data and keep their public data on the public cloud. It offers robust data security by keeping the hackers out and making it easier to spot intruders for organizations using the public cloud.  

Some public cloud computing providers, such as Ace Cloud Hosting, offer advanced AI-based technologies, policies, a set of services, and security controls to protect their client’s data in the cloud from leakage, loss, or misuse through breaches, exfiltration, and intruder access. 


#3 No Hardware/ Data Center Required 


When companies choose cloud computing, they don’t have to keep and maintain equipment/hardware or build a data center. It is because cloud computing uses the internet (network) as a medium to store, operate, and manage business data.  

Thus, businesses don’t need to purchase hardware when they invest in cloud computing. It helps save the space that is otherwise required to accommodate the equipment. And it also saves businesses a significant financial amount that they would have spent on hardware, utilities, and other processes. 


#4 Wide Network Access  


Gone are the days of using local LAN and WAN for accessing networks. Public Cloud infrastructures are designed for broad network access where the internet is not restricted to your local LAN. It means you don’t need a private WAN, even if your business requires connection to a broad network or multiple sites. With the public cloud, you can access services over the internet.  

Not just this, but a public cloud also helps standardize access. If you have a client application software running, it might only work on a specific device, such as a PC or a particular network. And with the public cloud, a portal for a browser will run on different devices, such as laptops, PCs, tablets, and smartphones. It allows devices to connect to a broader network with the help of the public cloud. 


#5 Flexibility & Scalability  


Cloud is scalable. The storage with the public cloud can be as much as your business needs. In fact, organizations can opt for unlimited storage capacity so they don’t have to worry about sudden scalability.  

When it comes to flexibility, the public cloud lets you bring up new resources and spin them automatically by adding them to the load balancer. You can turn this balancer off whenever you’re done. This kind of facility you only get with cloud computing could be one of the most critical for blooming businesses.  


Is There More


Of course, moving to the public cloud has several more advantages – from having the right DLP solutions like backup and recovery to high availability with no capital investments and many more. These are probably why cloud computing services generate $178 billion in revenue annually – and this figure is constantly rising! 


Public Cloud Providers like Ace Cloud Hosting work with businesses worldwide to help them enjoy all perks of transmitting to public cloud computing as per their unique business needs. Their experienced cloud experts help you migrate smoothly and manage/modernize the operations at a minimized price to increase scalability and resilience.