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The treatment of health issues is possible through astrological remedies

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treatment of health issues
The treatment of health issues is possible through astrological remedies
By admin July 12, 2022
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Health astrology is related to the treatment of different illnesses and diseases that are related to them. It is focused on determining the cause and treatment of illness based on the impact of the planets and their motion across various houses.

There is a belief that nakshatras houses and the zodiac signs are affected by the motions of the planets and may cause illness. The help of astrology may assist in curing diseases in the body.


Shani Healing Astrology


Leg muscles, knees, teeth hair, spleen skin, ears, and feet are all connected to the earth. The Health Astrology Prediction addresses abdominal pain and ailments associated with bones. Deafness, paralysis, hair loss as well as hysteria, tumors emotional stress, dental issues, and muscle pain.


Moon Healing Astrology


Eyes and lungs, digestion, and the quantity of fluid within the body, blood, brain, and kidneys are all included. The heart is linked to Health Astrology addresses issues such as blood poisoning, menstrual issues, vomiting such as diabetes, the mammary glands being collapsed, and cough.


Sun Healing Astrology


It can affect various areas of the body like the eye’s right side, the heart, and the head, as well as the skin and abdominal. It is frequently associated with many different ailments, such as right eye issues as well as heart diseases as well as head injuries, bone fractures, and skin issues as well as the bones.


Jupiter Healing Astrology


Astrology covers organs like memory, brain tissue liver, lungs, and also fat. It deals with disorders in the mouth, kidneys, and liver, diabetes hemorrhages, cancer, and problems with the ear.


Mercury Healing Astrology


It is focused on the nose, the skin, and the lungs. It targets the nerves in the mouth as well as the gallbladder, spinal, and umbilical. It can cause diseases such as nasal congestion gall bladder fractures, ulcers that cause skin problems, and cholera.


Venus Healing Astrology


Astrology is connected to the field of vision. face, glands, and also the amount of water. This is the reason for the conditions of the face and throat, eyes, diabetes venereal diseases, impermanence, and loss of body luster.


Mars Healing Astrology


It is connected to the energy sources, such as blood vessels as well as nerves of the rectum and female organs. Medical astrology that is associated with Mars refers to conditions of neck injuries and neck, including cuts, bruises eye irritation bone fractures as well as high blood pressure fistulas, as well as conditions of the rectum, and hernias. Problems with menstrual irregularity.

The answer to a variety of health issues:


Sun Remedies

  • If you’re dealing with eye issues or a heart condition or any other issues take these steps:
  • You should wear bright colors clothes.
  • Drink sugar and water mixed together.
  • Feed food for monkeys and cows.
  • Do not eat animal products.
  • Do not accept any gifts.

Moon Remedies

  • If you are suffering from illnesses caused by the Moon? Then you are able to overcome this issue with these solutions.
  • Give food to the birds and provide the water available for them to drink.
  • Don’t conduct any type of business that is directly related to milk.
  • Let your mother be content and be blessed by her.
  • Give sweets to the little girls.

Jupiter Remedies


  • If your Jupiter isn’t that strong you’ll face problems with obesity, diabetes as well as liver, and jaundice. This method can assist you.
  • Utilize a car, pen, or another item that you got from your father.
  • Help your siblings and brothers with their tasks.
  • You can wear an orange turban or a cap.
  • Apply a sandalwood paste to the forehead each day.
  • Use gold-colored ornaments.

Mars Remedies

  • In case the planet of your Mars is weak you’re likely to be afflicted by diseases such as miscarriages, accidents, surgery, injuries, and burns. To resolve this difficulty, follow the steps listed below.
  • Keep ivory items in the house.
  • Wear orange-colored clothing.
  • You plant a neem tree.
  • Serve your cows frequently.
  • Donate money to good work.

Mercury Remedies

  • A weak Mercury could cause skin issues. It is possible to fix the problem by implementing these steps to improve your health care.
  • Rice and milk are offered in temples.
  • The water you drink should be taken in a silver glass only.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or eat meat.
  • Serve the cows daily.
  • Always wear clean and fresh clothes.


In the end, it’s certain that health is an important aspect of our lives. The most effective way to determine health is to know the basics. You can avail make an appointment online with an astrology consultant to understand your overall health and live a healthy and active lifestyle.