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How To Choose the Best Mobile App Database: Comparison Guide

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How To Choose the Best Mobile App Database: Comparison Guide
By admin September 6, 2022
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Thanos said in the Infinity War, “The hardest choices require the strongest will.” It applies to all the choices we make in life, including database selection. Your database is the most challenging choice you will ever make.

The database is your top priority as it enables communication and ensures seamless backend access, ensuring better communication and client-side experiences.

As an app strategist and developer, choosing the right database can help deploy high-performing applications and better engagement.

Here are a few tips on choosing the mobile app development process

Top Things to Consider When Choosing Mobile App Database

These tips help you choose an appropriate database for your next mobile application.

  1. The Structure of your Data

Based on your app development approach, the data structure and requirements will change. No two platforms or frameworks operate the data in a similar fashion. For example, how Flutter stores data may differ from how a native app system stores the same data.

Retrieving the data can be challenging if you do not store it in the format the platform accepts. It will leave little room for embracing the data or running the operations on the mobile app.

Your database will depend on the ideal structure required to store the data. In some cases, you might be allowing mobile app operations in offline mode. The database should prompt offline usage as well. 

 2 . The Size of the Data

When you are choosing a database, the size matters. If your app requires loads of data to be stored and retrieved, you will need a bigger size. However, when you increase the bandwidth, you must ensure the database can handle the structure and load effortlessly.

So, before shortlisting the database, check how much data would be stored and retrieved regularly. The products will occupy much of your database space if you are a retail app.

Apart from the structure and bandwidth, you should consider whether the database can create partitions within the file systems for easy access. Lastly, will the database fit your size optimization needs?

  3. The Data Security

Concerns regarding data security run high on the end user’s mind. That’s why it is essential for app developers to research the database to look into security aspects. Patient records need to be secure if you are developing a healthcare app. You should ensure that the banking and card details are safely stored when incorporating a business app for the banking and insurance segment.

During syncing processes, if you allow offline operations, the mobile app may be threatened with vulnerabilities. As a result, it is important to protect the data with multiple layers during syncing or data transfer.

When choosing a database, you should look for the security aspects. Is the database focused on creating layers of security to make the app fully secure?

Additionally, when it comes to security, authentication plays a pivotal role. However, authentication need not be rigid. You should allow multiple ways of authenticating the application. Fingerprint scanning, two-factor authentication, and passcodes are the most commonly used authentication elements.

You should offer multiple opportunities. For example, you can log in to the banking app using your fingerprint and passcode. This flexibility enriches the experience. However, the database should be flexible enough to accept the same.

The database should offer encryption at both file and database levels. The communication channel the database would communicate with the front end needs to be secure.

   4. Multi-platform Support

Are you planning a native-only application or mobile application that will work across multiple platforms? If you are planning the native application, the security needs would be specific to the platform. At the same time, your application will require limited support.

However, when planning multiple platforms, you need a database that can work across all platforms. The database should be accessible and secure for the platforms.

At this point, we are not just talking about iOS or Android; we are talking about wearables, tablets, and a whole load of devices. Finding a database that stores the data in proper structures and accesses them at will can be challenging. 

  1. Ability to Scale

 Your app may need limited database structure and space when you are a startup or small business. However, as your business grows, the load on the database increases. If your database doesn’t expand with your needs, your application may collapse under the weight of the customers.

As a result, finding a scalable database that can easily match your new demands is essential. The scaling should be flexible and as per your demands. Depending on the needs, you should be able to scale your database up or down.

5 . Speed of the Database

The customers may not wait for a longer while when accessing the database from the front end. They would like to receive the response in seconds. As a result, you should find a database that suits the speed requirements posed by your app.

A high-speed mobile app database can ensure quicker access and faster responses. This can improve customer experiences and make them stay on the app for longer.

The speed shouldn’t be hampered when you increase the number of servers or add more data to the structure for it to handle.

 6 . Easy Conflict Resolution

The database should be able to resolve the conflicts that can occur within the data when it is being accessed from multiple devices. Most databases come with an automated format to resolve disputes. However, your research should identify the database that can make conflict resolution smooth and easy. 

Popular Mobile App Databases to Use

  1. MySQL: popular databases. It is open-source and multi-threaded
  2. PostgreSQL: It is a relational, open-source, and customizable database
  3. Redis: Majorly used for data caching purposes, it is an open-source database system
  4. MongoDB: it is a backend service that offers a better structure for mobile apps. it is also used to develop applications that operate offline
  5. Cassandra: It is an open source and NoSQL database


Choosing a suitable database can help improve the overall function of the mobile app. The overall performance and speed of the mobile app depend on the database capabilities. If you have chosen a high-speed and performing database, you will notice a high-power app that seamlessly moves between the front end and back end. It is vital to select a secure database that keeps the data safe. Look for your mobile app needs and choose from relational and non-relational databases. 


Author Bio: – 

Jignen Pandya :  Expert App Devs