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How To Keep Your Phone Clean And Dirty Free

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your phone clean and dirty free
How To Keep Your Phone Clean And Dirty Free
By admin November 10, 2022
  • Views: 385
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You probably know that you need to keep your phone clean and dirty-free. But, how do you do it? Here are five tips on how to keep your phone clean and dirty-free.


How to Keep Your Phone Clean and Dirty Free


One of the most important things you can do to keep your phone clean is to regularly clean its internals. This means cleaning the screen, battery, and any other areas that may be difficult to reach or dirty.

To keep your phone clean follow these tips:


  1. Use a cloth or a New Zealand-based cleaner to clean all surfaces of your device – including the back and front cover.
  2. Add a little water to the cloth or New Zealand-based cleaner and pour it onto the dirt or grime on your device.
  3. Clean with circular motions (back and forth) across all surfaces of your device, especially if there are any liquids or powders on the surface.
  4. Be sure not to use too much force – just enough so that the cleaning action does its job but no more than necessary.

How to Clean Your Phone


The first step in cleaning your phone is to determine the problem. If the phone is dirt, dust, or other debris on it, then it needs to be cleaned. A cleaning cloth can be used to remove the dirt and dust, but a Dyson vacuum cleaner can also be used for more detailed cleaning.

If the phone is covered in fingerprints or other smudges, then a Steam cleaner may be effective. Simply place the device over the smudge and let it work its way through the phone.


How to Keep Your Phone Clean


The first step in keeping your phone clean is to make sure your phone is completely clean. Glass cleaner can often take care of the dirt, dust, and other debris that has built up on your device over time. To clean your phone with a glass cleaner, start by spraying it with a water droplet and then rubbing it against the device’s surface. Be sure to use a gentle cloth when cleaning as too much force can damage the phone.


How to Clean Your Phone with a Lint-free cloth


One way to keep your phone clean is by using a lint-free cloth. Wet the cloth and place it over the screen of your device. Use gentle circular motions to scrub away any build-up and remove all of the dirt, dust, and other debris that has accumulated on your device over time. Sprinkle some soap onto the cloth if you need to get rid of any residual lubricants left on your screen.


How to Clean Your Phone with a Spotify playlist


If you want to keep your phone dirty but still able to use it, try using a Spotify playlist as an approach instead of cleaning it completely. Add songs from one or more playlists into the player on your device and shake or swish the playlist around until all of the tracks are cleaned off of the device. Afterward, wipe down the display area with a dry cloth and store your smartphone in an airtight container for later use.




Keeping your phone clean is important for keeping it running smoothly and looking great. There are many ways to clean your phone, so it’s important to choose the method that works best for you. By using a cleaning cloth, lint-free cloth, or Spotify playlist to clean your phone, you can keep it looking its best.